T-LOG 08 - The Legend Starts a New Journey
/Like sands through the hourglass…
So as we roll through a global pandemic and navigate lives in a new way it made me think about how Gareus would handle such obstacles (as you can see as per above - Gareus is just fine). Obviously, one of the key aspects of Gareus is that he can turn a negative into a positive like an evil fantasy McGyver.
Additionally, as Chapter 1 drew to a close I was thinking about exploring more of Gareus’ history and the general mythos of Fintrasia. Much of chapter 1 was showing brief snippets of incompetence that added to the legend as a whole but lacked more poignant moments. I am slowing adding dots to the page and soon we will be able to join them all. No guarantee that the final picture will be a pretty one though!
So chapter 2 is an opportunity to jump into who Gareus is and what made him the selfish, useless, cowardly, and yet lovable annoyance we all know. How am I going to do this? Well lets start with some world building and seeing how Gareus reacts to this world… the great plague you ask? Gareustown? More to come.
Much of the forthcoming chapter may again jump around timeline wise, as I respond to whatever whim and idea that makes me chuckle, but over-all this chapter will be focusing on key moments for our protagonists and placing them in a world that you, the reader can understand.
So if you have been reading thus far from page 1, fear not there is more to come! For those just starting the journey I do apologize in advance but Gareus is probably going to be doing some less than noble things and more than likely will get away scott-free.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Here’s to another chapter of everyone’s #1 selfish, bragging, cowardly, loser, fantasy bard called Gareus and his brave, strong, yet utterly insane follower Dave.
To wicker. To eels. To GAAREEEUUUUS!